Sandhill Farmhouse and Bramdean House

Rogate and Bramdean, near Alresford

11 am and 3 pm on Thursday 3 July

Sandhill Farmhouse is the private home of Rosemary Alexander, the Principal of the English Gardening School.  We shall meet there at 11 am and, refreshed by tea, coffee and biscuits, Mrs Alexander will give us a short talk about the garden before leading us round.  Sandhill  is a comparatively small garden of different spaces and we shall learn much that might enhance our own beloved gardens.

We shall leave Sandhill between 12:30 and 1 pm and I shall reconnoitre a nice place for lunch.  At 3 pm we shall visit Bramdean House.  Best known for its mirror image borders, there is much more to delight in this 5 acre garden.  A walled garden filled with fruit, sweet peas and, in July, more flowers will be a particular joy.  Gabriella Nemeth, the Head Gardener, took her horticultural degree in her native Hungary and was a student (with Tom Coward of Gravetye) at Great Dixter.  Her enthusiasm and love for Bramdean is a delight and she is looking forward to our visit.  She speaks of the interplay between man and nature and, here too, we shall learn much about the joy and discipline of gardening.

AGA members only.

£30 per person, Sandhill or Bramdean alone £15 each.