Flower & Produce Show

The Committee of the Flower and Produce Show are planning for this year’s show on Bank Holiday Monday 26th August, at the usual venue of the Arundel Football Club function room (Mill Road, BN18 9PA).

The 2024 Flower & Produce Programme lists all the classes in the show and regulations for entry. Some information about the show will also be featured in the AGA Summer Newsletter, available from 1st July.

The photography class is included again, also the scarecrow class and all the usual ones for flower arranging, sample blooms, vegetable classes, both for experienced and new entrants. There will be classes for cookery, crafts, jams and chutneys too.

Entries are once again free, there will be money prizes and some trophies.

You can find the entry form in the brochure or download a separate Entry Form here.

The Arundel Gardens Association stall will be at the Farmers’ Market on Saturday 17th August to receive entries. All entries must be in by Sunday 18th August.

Do come along to join us and view all the competitions on the Bank Holiday afternoon.