Offers & Discounts

2025 Offers

TULIPS: details of our 2025 offer for tulip bulbs will be announced in the Spring.


RHS Gardens: AGA Members can make use of our RHS Garden Entry Card which offers 50% discount for up to two members per visit to one of the five RHS Gardens – Bridgewater, Harlow Carr, Hyde Hall, Rosemoor or Wisley.
If you would like to make use of this card, please email

The following discounts for AGA Members have been negotiated with local suppliers:

Arundel Arboretum ( 10% discount on trees and shrubs.

Benton Weatherstone ( 5% discount on stone products.

Culberry Nursery ( 10% discount at the nursery only on herb and vegetable plants.

Lansdowne Nurseries ( 10% discount on hardy plants and grasses. Open March to October. Contact them via the website for a stock list.

Plants Outside (formerly The Arundel Gardener) on the A259 at Climbing. 10% discount.

Your current Arundel Gardens Association Membership card must be shown to obtain a discount. Please remember to show this before your purchase is rung up.

We encourage everyone to visit the traders who are offering us discounts – ‘use it or lose it’ as the saying goes!

Southern Trident ( produce and supply a range of coco and coir-based quality growing media, compressed coco products and garden accessories. For online purchases, members can obtain a 10% discount using the code MYCLUB10.

The Littlehampton Allotment Society Trading Shop on the Worthing Road allotment site, Wick, is open on Sunday mornings 9:30 – 11:00 throughout the year. They sell a good range of products and supplies for your gardening needs.

AGA members may use this shop on production of their AGA Membership Card.